Despite the wide range of window functions, the choice of windows begins with the choice of material. There are three types of window materials: wood, plastic and aluminum.


Wood has been used as a building material for thousands of years and has proven itself very well in all climates and weather conditions. Modern wood processing technology has also enabled a significant increase in technical quality. The wood is cut, artificially dried and then re-glued, thereby ensuring appropriate mechanical properties and increasing dimensional stability.

Wood has been used as a building material for thousands of years and has proven itself very well in all climates and weather conditions. Modern wood processing technology has also enabled a significant increase in technical quality. The wood is cut, artificially dried and then re-glued, thereby ensuring appropriate mechanical properties and increasing dimensional stability.

Wood ages best naturally, and maintenance can also be very easy - once or twice a year we clean it with a nourishing milk, which is done at the same time as cleaning the windows. It is important that we can do all this ourselves, as we do not need special services or experts for this.

You can read everything about window materials in the  free book.